terça-feira, 30 de março de 2010

Happy Easter

quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010

Work done by the students on the theme: "2010 - European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion"

Correction of the English test - My gap year

Teste A

a) False. She interrupted her studies that school year because she didn't like the course she was taking.
b) False. She changed jobs before working in a call centre because she didn't like them.
c) Not stated
d) True

a) ultimately
c) to strive
d)to solve the ills

a) The pay was excellent for a student, the atmosphere was good and there were lots of chances to win prizes such as mountain bikes, hi-fis and CDs as a bonus for achieving targets.

b) Those students who are able to afford to take a year out can go trekking, backpacking or go on a round-the world trip. However, most students can no longer afford to take a year out just for fun and so they have to find paid work to pay for their studies.

c) In her case, it made her realize that she had to put all her effort into her studies so that she could get a career and not just a job. She also used her gap year to further her studies, read more widely, write and develop other interests, which helped her to develop as a person.
However, she also recognizes that for some people taking a year out can set them back and they may not be prepared to face the situation.

Activity B
1. Employer
2. Salary
3 Rise (USA: Raise)
4. Promotion
5. workforce
6. staff
7. benefit

2. Passive
1. My watch has been stolen
2. I remember I was bought a bicycle for my eight bithday
3. Anna was given a present for her birthday by her friends.

3. Insert the verbs...
a) to explain
b) waiting
d) leave
e) taking
f) to bring
g) sing
h) repeat

Teste B

a)False. Emma began the course in September at Nottingham University
b) True
c) Not stated
d) False. Her work experience made her look forward to going back to University and doing the course she wanted to do.

a) deadline
b) excellent
c) look forward to
d) to further

3. (igual Teste A)

Activity B
1. Reference
2. bonus
3. employee
4. training
5. workmate/colleague
6. qualification
7. wage

2. Passive
1. She will be given plenty of time to take a decision
2. He was forced (by the police) to answer a lot of questions
4. I think he should be offered the job.

3. Insert the verbs...
a) doing
b) reading
d) to see
e) to learn
f) do
g) to speak
h) spending

sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2010

quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2010

Concurso de Fotografia 2010

Organizado pela Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Económicos e Financeiros da Comissão Europeia, o Concurso de Fotografia, intitulado “O que significa para nós o Euro?”, está aberto a todos os fotógrafos, com idades entre os 14 e os 18 anos, residentes na União Europeia.

Os participantes deverão formar uma equipa e enviar uma fotografia (com legenda explicativa) representando a percepção que têm sobre o Euro.

O prazo para envio das fotografias acaba no dia 31 de Março de 2010.

Poderão submeter os trabalhos por e-mail ou enviar as fotos por correio.

No mês de Abril de 2010, um Júri seleccionará 7 equipas vencedoras da UE dentro das 27 equipas nacionais vencedoras.

A equipa com a melhor classificação receberá o primeiro prémio, sendo que as 7 equipas vencedoras da UE serão convidadas a participar na cerimónia de entrega dos prémios em Bruxelas (Bélgica), no mês de Maio de 2010.

•Para os participantes das 27 equipas nacionais vencedoras: Pen Drive – mesa digitalizadora profissional de 30,7 cm (12″) para ilustração, desenho, design industrial, edição de fotografias ou design de páginas Web.

•Para as 7 equipas vencedoras da UE : viagem até Bruxelas (alojamento incluído).

•Para os membros da melhor equipa : Câmara Digital SLR Nikon D3000 (com kit de objectivas VR de 18-55 mm, Sigma Zoom 70-300, cartão de 4GB e saco).

Para mais informações, consultem o site Euroinphoto.

Earth Hour: March 27

Turn off your lights on March 27, 2010.

(Para verem melhor o vídeo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FclcMfzjwug)

On Earth Hour hundreds of millions of people around the world will come together to call for action on climate change by doing something quite simple—turning off their lights for one hour. The movement symbolizes that by working together, each of us can make a positive impact in this fight, protecting our future and that of future generations.

Source: https://www.myearthhour.org/about

segunda-feira, 1 de março de 2010

Gap Year

What is a Gap Year?

A Gap Year is known also as a “year off”, “year out”, “deffered year”, “bridging year”, “time off”, “time out” or “overseas experience”. A Gap Year doesn't takes always a whole year. Usually young people takes a time off (some weeks, months up to a year) before going to the university and take the opportunity to make a Gap Year travel.

During a Gap Year young people can travel to another country and experience diverse activities: like volunteering, teaching or just traveling. The most popular Gap year activity for “gappers” is international volunteering.

Many students take the advantage to study during their Gap year and they enroll in a language course abroad or earn money by working in diverse areas, as the hospitality industry.

Some gappers also enroll themselves in global education programs that combine a language study, cultural immersion, community services, home stays and independent study.

Why should you go?

A Gap Year travel is an exciting once in a lifetime experience that can be suitable for anyone! Why should you go to a Gap Year Travel?

- Get in touch with foreign communities.
A Gap year travel is not the typical short-therm holiday where you hang out with family or friends and only get to know the typical attractions for tourists. In a Gap year program you will have the opportunity to truly interact with the local people, learn about the reality of the community, enjoy the traditions and open your eyes to an extraordinary array of new things through multiple experiences.

- Social understanding and awareness.
Some of the Gap Year programs give you the opportunity to not only enjoy the new environment you will be in but also to support a good cause with volunteer work by teaching, helping to protect the nature, building new houses or schools... don't lose the opportunity to not only travel and enjoy but also to help and make a difference in the world.

- Learn new languages, develop new skills:
As you will be living abroad for some weeks or even months you will have the opportunity to learn or improve your local language knowledge. There are also Gap programs that give you the opportunity to learn a new language through specific courses ideal for people that is looking to learn while enjoying a fantastic travel experience.

- Earn money while:
There are many paid work Gap programs where you make money to pay your expenses while teaching or working in the hospitality industry for example, having fun, interacting with other young people, living new experiences without a real cost for you!

- Get to know yourself:
During a Gap year travel you will have time to enjoy your independency, gain experience and get to know your strengths and weaknesses as a person! A Gap year is a definitely enriching experience that will make you grow as a person and become a more mature person.

- Interact and develop friendship with other people that share your vision and passions:
You will have the opportunity to travel with other people like you, that have chosen the same program and will propably share your same vision and objectives, plus they will share their previous experiences and you will have the opportunity to make new friends from all over the world!

- Have the best fun of your life:
A Gap travel is an extraordinary opportunity that will give you a lot of satisfaction through new and diverse experiences and will surely become a milestone in your life.