segunda-feira, 7 de junho de 2010

To my dearest students

To my dearest students,

I wish you all the best for the future. I am sure you will accomplish everything you want in life and achieve greater heights.

You are beautiful inside and out, you will always be in my heart.

You are the best!

Teacher Sara*

domingo, 6 de junho de 2010



It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something.


Correction of the English Test

Correction of the English Test

Test A


1. Little did we know they were planning to go to England.
2. Unless Patrick makes friends at school, he won't feel integrated.
3. Despite being an excellent student, he didn't get the grant.
4. No sooner did I hear the good news than I called her.
5. He explained that he had been really nervous and he thought the interviewers had noticed that.
6. She will be given plenty of time to take a decision.
7. John, who is the spokesman of an ecological group, is worried about the destruction of forests.

Test B


1. He said in the previous year he had spent his holiday in Mexico.
2. Mary was expected to be late.
3. Not only will this web business be really profitable for them but it will open up new opportunities.
4. Never have I heard such a story.
5. Although he was very interested in sport, he decided to stay at home.
6. If the population growth doesn't slow down, pollution will increase.
7. The students, who studied the opinions given by a group of Asian young people, worked hard on this project.

domingo, 16 de maio de 2010




What does Nelson Mandela do after becoming president of South Africa? He rejects revenge, forgives oppressors who jailed him 27 years for his fight against apartheid and finds hope of national unity in an unlikely place: the rugby field. Clint Eastwood (named 2009’s Best Director by the National Board of Review) directs an uplifting film about a team and a people inspired to greatness. Morgan Freeman (NBR’s Best Actor Award winner and Oscar nominee for this role) is Mandela, who asks the national rugby team captain (Best Supporting Actor Oscar nominee Matt Damon) and his squad to do the impossible and win the World Cup.



Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

"Invictus" is a short poem by the English poet William Ernest Henley (1849–1903).
The title is Latin for `unconquered`; "undefeated".

sábado, 15 de maio de 2010

Avaliação oral: 21/24 Maio

Oral Evaluation: 21st / 24th May

Human Diversity

The people of the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand are a mixture of many different nationalities.
These different people brought to their new land a wonderful mixture of customs and traditions.
These countries were also inhabited by native people with their own culture.

- Select a country and a native people or a nationality and write about the history of these people, customs and traditions;
- Collect information, stick pictures, write short captions for each photo and add your comments.

terça-feira, 4 de maio de 2010

What does it mean to be Samurai?

They say Japan was made by a sword. They say the old gods dipped a coral blade into the ocean, and when they pulled it out four perfect drops fell back into the sea, and those drops became the islands of Japan. I say, Japan was made by a handful of brave men. Warriors, willing to give their lives for what seems to have become a forgotten word: Honor.

They are an intriguing people. From the moment they wake they devote themselves to the perfection of whatever they pursue. I have never seem such discipline. I am surprised to learn that the word Samurai means, 'to serve', and that Katsumoto believes his rebellion to be in the service of the Emperor.

Winter, 1877. What does it mean to be Samurai? To devote yourself utterly to a set of moral principles. To seek a stillness of your mind. And to master the way of the sword

sábado, 1 de maio de 2010

Matéria para o teste: 3 de Maio

(a matéria foi escrita no quadro no dia 23 de Abril)

Tema: "The Changing World of Work"
Textos - "The future of work", "Workplace technology" - atenção ao vocabulário
Páginas Manual: 144 até 156
Gramática: The passive (Manual: 144-145; Workbook: 38) / Clauses of concession (Manual: 156; Workbook: 39)

temas que vos possam ajudar na composição: the world of work, technology, self-employment/being an entrepreneur.

Good Work!

Short Story: "A Family Supper"

To think about...

"The primary theme in Ishiguro's story "A Family Supper," is the conflict between generations in changing Japan. Meaning the ways of past generations are giving way to new values that have not been fully developed in the younger generations."

"In Japanese culture it is an honourable thing to kill yourself if you have done something terrible."

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

"A Family Supper"

(Não esquecer: amanhã levar para aula a obra "A Family Supper" que veio juntamente com o vosso manual "Extensive reading")

"A Family Supper" by Kazuo Ishiguro portrays the family tension that arose when the main character/protagonist/narrator goes back to Japan.


clumsiness – mistake
leak – let liquid flow into
hazardous – dangerous
strained – worried caused by having to deal with a problem
supply – provide people with something that they need or want
jaw – the lower part of people’s face that moves when they eat
chatter – talking quickly
haunted – a haunted place is believed to be visited regularly by the spirit of a dead person
swayed – influenced
sparse – existing only in small amounts
burden – loaded; preoccupied, deeply concerned
straw – the dried stems of wheat or similar plants
mischievously – naughtily making fun of her strict father
well – a deep hole in the ground from which people take water
puff – the action of taking the smoke from a cigarette
peer – look very carefully or hard, especially because you are having difficulties in seeing
clambering – climbing slowly
giggle – a little, girlish laugh
mischievous – a bit malicious
spot – place
mesmerize – make someone feel that they must watch or listen to something or someone
startlingly – surprisingly
stark – very simple and severe in appearance
tatami – mats
scattered – thrown into
spin – turn around very quickly
chopsticks – sticks that you can use to eat food in many countries in asia
stretch out – open
yawn – open the mouth wide
locust – insect like a big grasshopper that lives mainly in africa or asia
dreary – not interesting or cheerful

The cultural context

In our global village culture can clash over differences in values, interpretations of history, who makes better cars, how best to play baseball, or even over which national leaders are the more incompetent. Some experts and scholars argue that in the future the fundamental source of international conflict will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural.

Japanese culture

After several waves of immigration from the Asian continent and nearby Pacific islands, followed by a heavy importation of culture from Korea and China, the inhabitants of Japan experienced a long period of relative isolation from the outside world under the Tokugawa shogunate until the arrival of the "Black Ships" and the Meiji era. As a result, a culture distinctively different from other Asian cultures developed, and echoes of this persist in contemporary Japan.

For example, Japan has a shame culture (external reference standard) rather than the guilt culture (internal reference standard) that is more familiar in the West. In Japan, inter-relationships between people are heavily influenced by concepts of "honor," "obligation," and "duty" in a way that is no longer true in the more individualistic and free-wheeling West. Finally, generalized conceptions of morality and desirable behavior are relatively underdeveloped in Japan, where particular obligations to family, school, and friends tend to guide behavior.

The Japanese language has always played a significant role in Japanese culture. It reflects the harmony that is desired and respected within Japanese culture.

Although the Japanese are better known for their physical comedy outside of Japan, they have intricate humour and jokes. Because this humor relies so heavily on Japanese language, culture, religion, and ethics, it is generally considered to be very difficult to translate.

segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010

Um mapa impressionante

A título de curiosidade

Clicar no link:

Passem o rato por cima de cada país...

Além de indicar quantos nascem e morrem no mundo a cada instante, indica a população de cada país e as emissões de CO2, colocando o cursor em cima de cada país.

sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

terça-feira, 30 de março de 2010

Happy Easter

quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010

Work done by the students on the theme: "2010 - European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion"

Correction of the English test - My gap year

Teste A

a) False. She interrupted her studies that school year because she didn't like the course she was taking.
b) False. She changed jobs before working in a call centre because she didn't like them.
c) Not stated
d) True

a) ultimately
c) to strive
d)to solve the ills

a) The pay was excellent for a student, the atmosphere was good and there were lots of chances to win prizes such as mountain bikes, hi-fis and CDs as a bonus for achieving targets.

b) Those students who are able to afford to take a year out can go trekking, backpacking or go on a round-the world trip. However, most students can no longer afford to take a year out just for fun and so they have to find paid work to pay for their studies.

c) In her case, it made her realize that she had to put all her effort into her studies so that she could get a career and not just a job. She also used her gap year to further her studies, read more widely, write and develop other interests, which helped her to develop as a person.
However, she also recognizes that for some people taking a year out can set them back and they may not be prepared to face the situation.

Activity B
1. Employer
2. Salary
3 Rise (USA: Raise)
4. Promotion
5. workforce
6. staff
7. benefit

2. Passive
1. My watch has been stolen
2. I remember I was bought a bicycle for my eight bithday
3. Anna was given a present for her birthday by her friends.

3. Insert the verbs...
a) to explain
b) waiting
d) leave
e) taking
f) to bring
g) sing
h) repeat

Teste B

a)False. Emma began the course in September at Nottingham University
b) True
c) Not stated
d) False. Her work experience made her look forward to going back to University and doing the course she wanted to do.

a) deadline
b) excellent
c) look forward to
d) to further

3. (igual Teste A)

Activity B
1. Reference
2. bonus
3. employee
4. training
5. workmate/colleague
6. qualification
7. wage

2. Passive
1. She will be given plenty of time to take a decision
2. He was forced (by the police) to answer a lot of questions
4. I think he should be offered the job.

3. Insert the verbs...
a) doing
b) reading
d) to see
e) to learn
f) do
g) to speak
h) spending

sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2010

quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2010

Concurso de Fotografia 2010

Organizado pela Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Económicos e Financeiros da Comissão Europeia, o Concurso de Fotografia, intitulado “O que significa para nós o Euro?”, está aberto a todos os fotógrafos, com idades entre os 14 e os 18 anos, residentes na União Europeia.

Os participantes deverão formar uma equipa e enviar uma fotografia (com legenda explicativa) representando a percepção que têm sobre o Euro.

O prazo para envio das fotografias acaba no dia 31 de Março de 2010.

Poderão submeter os trabalhos por e-mail ou enviar as fotos por correio.

No mês de Abril de 2010, um Júri seleccionará 7 equipas vencedoras da UE dentro das 27 equipas nacionais vencedoras.

A equipa com a melhor classificação receberá o primeiro prémio, sendo que as 7 equipas vencedoras da UE serão convidadas a participar na cerimónia de entrega dos prémios em Bruxelas (Bélgica), no mês de Maio de 2010.

•Para os participantes das 27 equipas nacionais vencedoras: Pen Drive – mesa digitalizadora profissional de 30,7 cm (12″) para ilustração, desenho, design industrial, edição de fotografias ou design de páginas Web.

•Para as 7 equipas vencedoras da UE : viagem até Bruxelas (alojamento incluído).

•Para os membros da melhor equipa : Câmara Digital SLR Nikon D3000 (com kit de objectivas VR de 18-55 mm, Sigma Zoom 70-300, cartão de 4GB e saco).

Para mais informações, consultem o site Euroinphoto.

Earth Hour: March 27

Turn off your lights on March 27, 2010.

(Para verem melhor o vídeo:

On Earth Hour hundreds of millions of people around the world will come together to call for action on climate change by doing something quite simple—turning off their lights for one hour. The movement symbolizes that by working together, each of us can make a positive impact in this fight, protecting our future and that of future generations.


segunda-feira, 1 de março de 2010

Gap Year

What is a Gap Year?

A Gap Year is known also as a “year off”, “year out”, “deffered year”, “bridging year”, “time off”, “time out” or “overseas experience”. A Gap Year doesn't takes always a whole year. Usually young people takes a time off (some weeks, months up to a year) before going to the university and take the opportunity to make a Gap Year travel.

During a Gap Year young people can travel to another country and experience diverse activities: like volunteering, teaching or just traveling. The most popular Gap year activity for “gappers” is international volunteering.

Many students take the advantage to study during their Gap year and they enroll in a language course abroad or earn money by working in diverse areas, as the hospitality industry.

Some gappers also enroll themselves in global education programs that combine a language study, cultural immersion, community services, home stays and independent study.

Why should you go?

A Gap Year travel is an exciting once in a lifetime experience that can be suitable for anyone! Why should you go to a Gap Year Travel?

- Get in touch with foreign communities.
A Gap year travel is not the typical short-therm holiday where you hang out with family or friends and only get to know the typical attractions for tourists. In a Gap year program you will have the opportunity to truly interact with the local people, learn about the reality of the community, enjoy the traditions and open your eyes to an extraordinary array of new things through multiple experiences.

- Social understanding and awareness.
Some of the Gap Year programs give you the opportunity to not only enjoy the new environment you will be in but also to support a good cause with volunteer work by teaching, helping to protect the nature, building new houses or schools... don't lose the opportunity to not only travel and enjoy but also to help and make a difference in the world.

- Learn new languages, develop new skills:
As you will be living abroad for some weeks or even months you will have the opportunity to learn or improve your local language knowledge. There are also Gap programs that give you the opportunity to learn a new language through specific courses ideal for people that is looking to learn while enjoying a fantastic travel experience.

- Earn money while:
There are many paid work Gap programs where you make money to pay your expenses while teaching or working in the hospitality industry for example, having fun, interacting with other young people, living new experiences without a real cost for you!

- Get to know yourself:
During a Gap year travel you will have time to enjoy your independency, gain experience and get to know your strengths and weaknesses as a person! A Gap year is a definitely enriching experience that will make you grow as a person and become a more mature person.

- Interact and develop friendship with other people that share your vision and passions:
You will have the opportunity to travel with other people like you, that have chosen the same program and will propably share your same vision and objectives, plus they will share their previous experiences and you will have the opportunity to make new friends from all over the world!

- Have the best fun of your life:
A Gap travel is an extraordinary opportunity that will give you a lot of satisfaction through new and diverse experiences and will surely become a milestone in your life.

quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2010

Correction of the English tests

Topic: Advertising

English Test - A

a) True
d) False (voluntary process - consumers have choices. They are not forced to buy things)

a) Parents
b) environmentally-friendly products
c)vegetables and clothes
d) product

a) unemployed
b) opportunities
c) durable
d) rewarding
e) ingredients

a)...people leave very well-paid jobs to live a healthier life, live a more exciting life abroad or spend money with their family.
b)... to consumption they are called conservers.
c)...people do not celebrate Christmas / people are not Christians

a) The pros of buying only what is needed is that there will be more time left to spend with the family, people will have a healthier life and since there will be more working opportunities there will also be less unemployment.

b) Some people would rather buy products which are made by friends because they believe that those products are made by someone who enjoys making them and therefore their quality and design are better.

c) According to the text the technique used to make people buy products which are high in price but low in quality is the packaging which normally is quite eye-catching.


1. implicit
2. happiness
3. exploit
4. catchy jingles
5. bombard
6. brainwash
7. beneficial
8. informative

a) Kate told me that she could lend me her DVD the next day/ the following day.
b) They told us that they had felt very shocked by the film they had seen the day before/ the previous day.
c) They said that they had a very large collection of DVDs.
d) She stated that technology was changing her lifestyle.
e) John asked me if advertising had great power over people.

a)They have lived/have been living in Cambridge for ten years.
b) I have never met you before
c) When I was in England, I drank tea every day.

10.Relative Clause
a) Alternative forms of energy, which are expensive to develop, are not used much.
b)The public needs to know that our planet is being destroyed by pollution.

English Test - B

c) True (just some people)
d) False (voluntary process. Consumers have choices.)

2. (igual Teste A)

a) rewarding
c) opportunities
d) unemployed
e) durable

4./5. igual teste A


1. manufacturers
2. advertisng
3. power
4. marketers
5. trends
7. fashion
8. researchers

a)He said that technology was going to change his lifestyle.
b) Mr. Jones said that his biggest wish was to have enough money.
c) John told me that he would send me a message the next day/the following day.
d) Teresa stated that the day before/ the previous day she had bought a fashionable skirt.
e) She asked me what the main aim of the campaign "My Better is Better that Your Better" was.

a) She apologized for any trouble she had caused.
b)They have been listenning to the news for three hours.
c) Mary has just passed the exam.

10. Relative clause
a) There are a lot of birds whose lives have been spoiled by water pollution.
b) The environment which is essential for our life, is something we should care about.

segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2010

Oral Presentation

Choose a commercial or an ad campaign and bring it to class to be presented regarding the following topics:

- Reason of your choice

- How does viewing the commercial or looking at the advertisement make you feel or think? (You can talk about the colours used /the techniques/ music in case of a commercial)

- Type of information given about the product

- The target audience

- Whether the message is mainly conveyed by the slogan, the text or the image.

- What is your opinion about advertising? Are you influenced by it? Are you influenced by the ad that you are analysing? How?

Write three or four paragraphs answering the questions above.

quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2010

English Test

Para relembrar: teste de Inglês - amanhã 19 Fevereiro (6ª feira).

sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2010

Valentine's Day

terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2010

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day: 9th February 2010
Think Before You Post

domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2010

'Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour)' raising funds for Haiti 22 January 2010

'Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour)' raising funds for Haiti 22 January 2010
Produced by Swizz Beatz and Declan Gaffney, 'Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour)' will be performed live tonight from London by Jay-Z, Rihanna, Bono and Edge as part of the 'Hope For Haiti Now' global telethon, produced by George Clooney, Wyclef Jean and MTV Networks.

'Sitting in the studio and watching Haiti hurting, I knew immediately I had to do something,' said Swizz Beatz. 'I reached out to my friends Bono and Jay-Z and asked for their help. Jay and Rihanna sent their vocals and that same night Bono and I went into the studio.' Swizz Beatz added, 'It's important we as a global community all come together to help. Haiti needs us right now.'

The track will be available through iTunes this evening as part of a special package from the 'Hope For Haiti Now' telethon airing at 8pm ET/PT. The relief organizations that will benefit from the telethon and special album are Partners in Health, Oxfam America, the Red Cross, UNICEF, Yele Haiti Foundation, United Nations World Food Program and the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. Proceeds from Hope for Haiti Now will be split among each organization's individual funds for Haiti earthquake relief.



Jay-Z – Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour) Lyrics [ft Bono, The Edge, Rihanna]

[Jay-Z - Chorus]
When the sky falls and the Earth quakes
We gon put this back together
We won’t break

Sa Pa Sé, my Port-Au-Princes
my Haitian Gods and all of my Princesses
Our condolences as you fightin’ against this
we’re right by your side as we tryin’ to make sense of this
heavenly father help us see through these problems
and for those that left, accept them into your garden
so here’s my theory, the country’s already starvin’
so we sacrificed many to shed light on all of them
God please pardon, I speak from the heart
its the only way I see this tragedy befall on them
so lets get involved with them, hand to hand with them
arm to arm with them til they get strong again,
When the sky falls…

(Rihanna and Bono – hook)
Can’t wait until tomorrow
Haiti, Mon Amour
Haiti, Mon Amour
Not gonna leave you stranded, alone, alone
oh no


[Jay-Z Verse 2]
Learn from the past, New Orleans was flooded
So we know we just can’t rely on the government
We under the rubble again, here we go rumbling when
When we gon catch a break, my friend lost his mother and then
And then, Carline lost her uncles and them
Buried with no caskets, they just put covers on them
lyrics courtesy of
And the tears fall, and we fight back
Story ain’t done, it can’t end like that
Nah not like this, tomorrow’s survivors gonna carry on your name
You live on inside us, your memory’s alive with us
You inspired us, to rebuild this country, you just guide us

It’s not the angels that are on their way
its not the bells of Santa Trinite
the people waiting, position vacant(?)
for hands to help, not just to pray


[French singing]
Haïti va s’élever
Tu vas te relever
Nous nous éléverons
Ensemble ensemble ensemble

(not gonna leave you stranded…)

we gon put this back together we wont break
we gon put this back together we wont break
we gon put this back together we wont break
we gon put this back together we wont break

These lyrics are from the studio version of the Stranded – Haiti Mon Amour.

Jay-Z uses slightly different words during the live performance then on the finished track.


quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2010

Advertisements that will make you look twice

Australia Post – Personalise your post

FedEx Kinkos – Office Products now at

Bergmann funeral service – Come a litle closer

Denver Water – Use only what you need.

Kill Bill 2

Australia Post - If you really want to touch someone, send them a letter

domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2010

Writing Project

Writing Project: 18th January 2010

There are many national organizations which help victims of all kinds of discrimination.

1. Choose an international, national or local humanitarian institution.

2. Present your conclusions in the form of a leaflet about the organization.

Remember to include:

-the logo of the organization;
-its full name and acronym;
-how to contact it;
-a detailed description of its aims;
-what they do;
-the history of the organization: when was it founded?Where?By Whom? Why was it started?
-their achievements;
-what kind of membership does it have: how many members? What type of people support the group and why?
-current campaign

sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2009

To: my students

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in many languages:

quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2009

English test: content

Topic: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

1. Synonyms
2. Questions on the text
3. Analysis of the results shown in a chart
4. Filling gaps
5. Conditionals
6. Future
7. The or zero article

quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2009


Para imprimir:

gmo -