sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2009

To: my students

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in many languages:

quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2009

English test: content

Topic: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

1. Synonyms
2. Questions on the text
3. Analysis of the results shown in a chart
4. Filling gaps
5. Conditionals
6. Future
7. The or zero article

quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2009


Para imprimir: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/document-preview.aspx?doc_id=18473932&key=N2E3MmZhY2It&pass=ZDA2Ni00Mjdl

gmo -


terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009

Dia Nacional da Cultura Científica - Geocaching

No âmbito deste dia, Dia Nacional da Cultura Científica, participa na actividade de Geocaching. Encontra um tesouro na tua cidade através deste site: http://www.geocaching.com/

Getting Started with Geocaching
Geocaching (pronounced geo-cashing) is a worldwide game of hiding and seeking treasure. A geocacher can place a geocache in the world, pinpoint its location using GPS technology and then share the geocache's existence and location online. Anyone with a GPS device can then try to locate the geocache.
See geocaching in action! Here's an introduction from the movie Splinterheads, in theaters November 2009.


segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2009

Grammar exercises

Exercise - Future Mix

A. Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going to, simple present or present progressive).

1.I love London. I (probably / go) ________________ there next year.
2.Our train (leave)_______________ at 4:47.
3.What (wear / you) _________________ at the party tonight?
4.I haven't made up my mind yet. But I think I (find) ________________ something nice in my mum's wardrobe.
5.This is my last day here. I (go) ________________ back to England tomorrow.
6.Hurry up! The conference (begin)______________ in 20 minutes.
7.My horoscope says that I (meet) ________________ an old friend this week.
8.Look at these big black clouds! It (rain)______________ .
9.Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow (be) _______________ dry and sunny.
10.What does a blonde say when she sees a banana skin lying just a few metres in front of her? - Oh dear! I _______________(slip) !


1.will probably go
3.are you wearing
4.will find
5.am going
7.will meet
8.is going to rain
9.will be
10.am going to slip

Conditional Clauses

Conditional would+have+participle

Be Going To


Articles: The or zero article

Common Mistakes

quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2009

Human Rights Day: 10th December

Human Rights Video: UNITED

UNITED - a music video promoting tolerance and peace to young people.

The music video, United, was produced for use by educators, law enforcement and youth officials to promote human rights and advocate non-violence amongst young people. Subtitled in 18 languages, its universal message of tolerance and peace has to date reached more than 50 million.

sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2009

Friday the 13th: Are you superstitious?

Work done by the students on Films related to Halloween

Film: Twilight
Filipa Barata
Maria Dias
Mariana Andrade

Film: Practical Magic
Catarina Leite
Joana Freire

Film: The Exorcist
Francisco Soares
Rodrigo Martins
Rodrigo Lamas

Film: Rec
Dário Seixeira
Fábio Barbosa
Francisco Melo
Guilherme Filipe
Hélder Tavares

Film: Friday the 13th
Bernardo Basto
César Soares

terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2009

International Day of Climate Action

On October 24, join people all over the world to take a stand for a safe climate future.

Portugal: 24 October - Urban Beach - Party "350 All Night Long" 23h


quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009

The protection of the planet earth

(write the link of your picture in "comentários")

1. Reason why you have chosen the picture?
2. What feeling did the picture arouse in you?
3. What problems are implied?
4. What message do you want to convey?

Mariana Campos Fernandes No.20
1.I have chosen this picture because it reveals one of the environmental problems: pollution.
2.This picture makes me feel sad and shame,because I see a boy who is collecting the trash with his own hans.
3.We are destroying the planet and making it inhospitable for human beings.
4.We have the responsibility to do something to protect the earth.

Mariana Andrade No.21
The global warming is a climatic phenomenon related with the increase of the everage temperature of the Earth. This has been happening in the last 150 years.

So, I have chosen this picture because, as everybody knows, global warming is a big problem of the planet. And looking at this one, I associate pollution with the global warming and I also remind people that this makes the icebergs melt, among other things.

So, we must reduce deforestation, reforest considerably more, abolish the use of chemicals, prefer the use of products that do no harm to the ozone layer, and reduce the emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Avelina Debora da Silva Andrade No.25
1. The first reason is that when I saw the picture for the very first time I thought: "Oh, my gosh so cute"
2. The picture made me feel sad and I also felt bad for it.
3. Global Warming is a climatic phenomena that is connected to the increase of the global average temperature surface and this has been happening over the last 150 years.
Scientists ask if the reason for it is human responsibility. Most scientists believe that the increased concentration of pollutants of human origin in the atmosphere is causing the greenhous effect.
The earth expels radiation emitted by the sun and returns most of it into space by radiation heat.
It is called the greenhouse effect to the absorption of solar radiation by the atmosphere.

Rodrigo Lamas No.27
1/2. The reason wy I have chosen this picture is because it shows an environment totally natural and without the damages caused by the hand of man. Another reason for me of having chosen the image was because of the meaning of it. For me the nature mixed with the long road that is emphasized in the photography means that we have a choice: we can cross it and observe it receiving what the nature can give us or we can simply destroy it and live without the beauty and the calm of a natural environment.
3. The image doesn't show any problems but if we observe it we can think that probably forward this environment will disappear because nowdays, man doesn't preserve anything and only thinks about construction and economic issues. This environment can be one more victim of destruction caused by fire and deforestation and a lot of other reasons that men don't care about.
4. The essencialmessage I want to convey is that the nature is a singular and particular beauty full of godness that exists in our planet and if we don't care about it , it can turn into our worst nightmare. We must preserve it and take care of it because nature can cause damages too and even worst, it can disappear. I think no one can imagine the world without the beautiful thing that nature can give us.

Ana Sofia Correia No.28
1.The reason why I have chosen this picture is because it shows the environment without pollution.
2. That picture makes me feel responsible for the air pollution.
3.The problems implied are the Global Warming and the destruction of the environment.
4. The message that the picture conveys is that these people contribute for the destruction of the environment and they are the biggest cause for global warming.

The importance of learning another language